Broken Dream Catcher

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Real Ghost Stories
By safire
(3 stories) (4 posts) (the author is a young adult)
Date: 2008-10-14
Country: United States
State: Indiana
Paranormal Category: Misc

A dream catcher is usually placed over a place you would sleep where the morning light can hit it. As you sleep all dreams from the spirit world have to pass through the dream catcher. Only good dreams can pass through to the dreamer while the bad dreams are caught in the webbing and are destroyed by the first rays of the morning light.

Last year I started collecting dream catchers. I even take them outside and clean them out, silly, but true. I didn't have very many bad dreams after I got them, and last summer when I was troubled, I bought another one and hung it over my bed.

If you have used your dream catcher for a while you may not exactly want to just throw it in the trash as if you do this and it gets broken all the bad dreams and nightmares are released back into the world and will be able to effect other peoples dream as well as yours. PEMBROKE — The Lumbee Tribe’s Dream Catcher project to build 50 affordable homes on tribal land took a major step to becoming reality on Monday. Ground was broken on the Union Chapel project site. Apr 11, 2020 If you have used your dream catcher for a while you may not exactly want to just throw it in the trash as if you do this and it gets broken all the bad dreams and nightmares are released back into the world and will be able to effect other peoples dream as well as yours.

A week after this, I started waking up in the middle of the night to look at the dream catcher. It would move in my utterly still room and feathers would fall and I would sew them back. Once sewn back, those feathers didn't move again.

This catcher was pretty light but I kept it up with four tacks to keep it from spinning but I woke one night and the tacks started to drop and the dream catcher fell. I flipped on my lights and my other three hung vicariously from the ceiling and I fixed them. I wasn't having bad dreams, but bad consciousness. Every night his stupid thing would fall and I would put it back up.

Around this time I started getting interested in Wicca. I started collecting stones, rose quartz, smoky quartz, tigers eyes, agate, hematite, alexandrite, amethyst and carnelian. I had my own little altar and burned incense every night before I slept. When I started doing this the dream catchers stopped falling. I grew weary of doing this every night, as did my allergies, but kept the stones out and slept with turquoise necklace on and my dreams were peaceful unless I forgot it.

What does this mean, my dream catchers falling? Every so often, when I've had a troubled day, they will fall, and my necklace has been misplaced. What should I do?

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Broken dream catcher tattoo meaning

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9 years ago (2011-12-12)
I am wondering? If a broken dreamcatcher is bad luck? And are there words you can say to cleans a dream catcher? And one of my dream catchers is bringing me bad luck... What do you think is wrong? 😭 😕 They are all indian dream catchers.
11 years ago (2009-08-27)
The only thing is can think of (and others who left comments hinted at several ideads) is that they are either 'full' or you shouldn't have 'washed' them.
By 'full' I mean they have collected as much negative engery as they can possibly hold. I made my own catcher when I was young - it worked well for many years then out of the blue started falling off my wall. I had to really work at keeping it up there. Then one night I had a dream that it fell off them wall and 'split' some of the negative engery back out. The next day I laid it to rest and built a new one and never had an issue with it falling.
And as to washing them - one of the other comments said something that makes me wonder if it isn't getting full - when you wash them, unless you protect your home/space/person, what's to stop the negative engery from returning ontop of any new stuff. It may just be too much for that one (or all of them) to handle.
As much as you enjoy this hanger, perhaps it's done it's pupose and should be retired. Replace it by all means with a new one and see if things improve. Good Luck.
11 years ago (2009-08-27)
Hey, I learned during school that Dreamcatchers catch bad dreams, then when the sun comes up in the morning, the bad dreams then kind of 'dissapear'. I know this isn't much, but I hope it helped! ❤
11 years ago (2009-08-26)
I need a Dreamcatcher... I've been having REALLY weird dreams lately... Safire, do you know where I can find a Dreamcatcher?
12 years ago (2008-10-28)
Umm, Well Matt, the dream catchers are made for anyone who believes in them. There not only made for the 'Natives'. Dream catchers don't cause any threats, unless they are being toyed with. Her problem here seems to be an entity that well either doesn't like the dreamcatchers itself, or doesn't like something else that she's into, and he can probably sense her strong belief in the Dreamcatchers, so he's toying with them to get to her. Just thought I'd clear that up a little bit more. 😁
12 years ago (2008-10-18)
I like wise agree with Frawin. See the dream catchers was made to catch bad dreams and the saying 'oppisites attract' doesn't apply here. Negative equals well negative, but the dream catchers were made for dreams. I don't believe they are storng enough to draw a real threat... But if an event does ocure I suggest getting rid of them. The reason for this is they were made for the indians the indians had everything stole from them. They may believe you are tring stealing something else from them.
Broken Dream Catcher
12 years ago (2008-10-17)
I don't ever touch the inside of the dream catcher, I put it out side adn let teh wind blow through them and then use orange blossom incense for cleanisng and protection...🤔
I do really believe in my dream catchers, but I don't know much about Native Americans, I know more about the power of nature through crystals and stones and herbs and flowers.
12 years ago (2008-10-16)

What Does A Broken Dream Catcher Mean

I think tobgirl22 has an excellent point and suggestion to go along with it: pick one method of dealing with this and move forward with it and abandon the other. You might be putting things in motion that are at odds with each other.
12 years ago (2008-10-16)
Being a First Nations Native, I feel I must tell you this, the worse thing you did in this situation was wash them. Your never suppose to wash a Dreamcatcher, because by washing it, your cleaning it of all the bad energy and negativity that it catches. So there for, it's just releasing them back out to you, and it has a hard recapturing them. I wouldn't bother too much with all the wicca stuff, because the Dreamcatcher was originated from the Native Traditional ways, and natives didn't do wicca, so maybe by mixing the Native Traditional Dreamcatcher in with the Wicca beliefs, that's what could be causing this to happen aswell. My take on this is, pick one, Wicca, or Traditional Protection from Native Gaurdians, and if you descide to chose Tradional beliefs, than get yourself clensed by a Native Elder, and they can lead you further on into the Traditional Ways. Hope my advice is of some help to you. God Bless!
12 years ago (2008-10-16)
Hi and thank you for sharring this story with us. I believe that Dream catchers are one of the most beatiful things made by man. The Native americans sure know how to make beatiful things. I have to agree with Frawin on this one. If you do believe in them then there might be an evil spirit there. I would suggest doing a smudge ceremony. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
12 years ago (2008-10-15)
I heard your not allowed to touch the dream catcher inside its bad luck. I guess you have bad luck because you touch them and clean them when your not suppose to. You have to be really careful with them. I have 2 one is a Indian one.
12 years ago (2008-10-15)
That was really interesting. I have a dreamcatcher myself... 😕
Confusing... Well, I might not be much help, but I was just reading a history about them, and it said the Lakota dream catcher would give you bad dreams and capture the good ones.
Other than that, I would have to agree with FRAWIN. There may be a ghost or demon messing with it.
12 years ago (2008-10-15)
Dear safire, I really enjoyed reading your story I find it interesting because I am into that kindof stuff. I feel a connection between your spirit guide and your bad days if you would like to contact me got to my profile and leave a message is you have time
Thanks 😁
12 years ago (2008-10-15)

Broken Dream Catcher Tattoo

Hi I read your story with great interest.
Can you tell me if you feel a connection with your dream catcher and the turquoise necklace? I ask this becasue turquoise is a very sacred stones to native amercians.
You sleep with your necklace on you feel really safe and protected and you catcher is fine I take it. When the necklace is taken of it dissappears and the catcher drops.
Have the stones changed colour in the neckalce since you bought it?
I would be interested to know.
12 years ago (2008-10-15)
Forgive me but I don't know what a dream catcher is. I know some dreams are the remains of the day while others have more significance. I think dreams can be a way for those in the afterlife to commuicate with us. Also people have gotten premonitions through dreams. I don't know if any of this has to do with wiccan beliefs or any other rituals due to religious beliefs. Interesting though.
12 years ago (2008-10-15)
Hi I have so many dreamcatcher and I am getting intestest with wicca too. I have no idea what it mean some thing like whatever you put on wall it fall I have no idea what it means.
12 years ago (2008-10-15)
Hello safire. Do you put a lot of faith in the dreamcatchers and necklace? Do you use them as protection symbols to ward of nightmares and negative thoughts? If the answer is yes to these questions then I would say that you may have an entity trying to chip away at your defenses. This entity may be a demon or a ghost with evil intentions or the trouble may lie within oneself. I would do a cleansing ritual according to your belief system. If the cleansing doesn't provide relief then I would look within. Take Care.

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© The ghost story Dreamcatchers is copyrighted to safire. Edited by

So I have a dream catcher…it hangs on my window, fully intact, strings unbroken, complete with beads and feathers. It appears whole, dusty but unchanged and yet somehow, my dream catcher is broken. I have periodically, but often enough to be of note. a recurring theme dream rather than one specific dream that repeats exactly in the same format again and again. This repetitive dream theme represents current aspects and emotions or mental states that have nothing to do with the specific settings of the dreams nor the same person in all the dreams but what it DOES represent truly does elude me. I could use a little guru to appear and tell me where this stems from and what does it really mean!?

The dreams are always very intense, emotionally and mentally. They usually contain angst and end in tears and never resolve comfortably. The stages of the situation of the dreams are not necessarily chronological when they occur in consecutive nights.

Some nights it is the beginning of the breaking down of all that is known, familiar, comfortable and loved. Something is wrong or off but I do not yet know that it is coming to an end, at least not in my head but perhaps in my heart. I may never know for sure. This dream is filled with a shift in the dynamic and the beginning of the spiral into loss of control. The emotions and elements are frustration, false accusation, the feeling of being invisible or unheard, of being found worthless and in this dream, anger. I am often screaming and screaming by the end and only having an effect on myself rather than him. This dream usually ends with me left alone, crying and frustrated and I wake up.

Some nights it is the actual ending of all that is known and right and comfortable. There is very little emotion from the other side. More a stating of facts, a laying out of the new way things will be, a resigned sense of defeat and already completed acceptance from the opposing party. There is no room for negotiation. No amount of pleading or begging can alter this change in the status quo. I am willing to alter all that I do and all that I am without a moments hesitation but I believe it is to keep things as they are because I am not ready for the change. It was not my decision, on my terms…in my control. Nothing will change this new decision however and the hope I cling to in this dream is actually denial. There is weeping, there is pleading. There is disbelief, surprise (was I really surprised, or did I know) hurt and desperation. It ends in tears, confusion and an extreme sense of loss and he is walking away as I wake up.

Some nights it is further along in the scenario where I am still in a position to believe I can regain what I have lost (whether I really want it back or not) and return things to the way they were. Only I will be different, better, improved, changed and whatever the word is that will convince the opposing forces to relent and agree. But this dream then turns to betrayal…the realization that now there is another where I am not. That the position has been filled, the emotions replaced, the possibility of regaining what I had and seem to need is impossible and has always been impossible, although I refuse to accept it as so. This dream is filled with betrayal, jealousy, abandonment, isolation, loneliness, desperation, failure and utter powerlessness that is all-consuming. I have officially lost the battle that was lost to me a long time ago. This also ends in tears and angst but I’m smiling on the outside because we are friends and I am okay. Of course it’s okay….I am okay. I wake up not okay….

Some nights it is even further down the road where I have “made peace” and accepted what the emotional return can and will be. I pretend I am happy for him and listen to his life and his problems because I am his friend. I offer suggestions and consolations that each cost me a little piece of my soul to say out loud and really try to mean them. The contact is less and less and the knowledge that even that small, pitiful grasp that I have is slipping away, has dawned on me at last. This dream is filled with regret, more emotional loss, and complete loss of control. This usually just ends in sadness and defeat. I hang up the phone and I wake up.

Now, today, I am fully aware that this was NOT the love of my life. The feelings of the “one that got away” are not that of a sentimental nature, but more from the fact that this was not an ending of my choosing. And up until this point, there had not been an ending that I did not think through, decide upon and then follow through with in my own time and my own way. So to me, this theme is more of a control issue than a pining for a lost love. For although the individual is always the same, I know that if it were still in effect today, the relationship would not have followed through to be healthy, creative, inspiring, or mutually beneficial. We ultimately would have wanted very different things and wanted to go in very different directions. He was a good person, a kind person, a fun person and a loving person. But he was never to be my person or me his, and there is no regret there at all.

So if these dreams do not spring from love lost, he must represent something or several specific things that I wish to regain in my life now. If it is not about a lost love and the actual relationship, then it goes back to being representative of feelings that I had then in that situation, that must apply or be present now, without me knowing or fully acknowledging them. That list, if I take the dreams and combine them all together, is not a comforting one. To re-cap we have angst, lack of closure, loss of control, helplessness, powerlessness, betrayal, jealousy, abandonment, isolation, loneliness, frustration, invisibility, being ignored or unheard, false accusation, worthlessness, denial, disbelief, hurt, failure, sadness, defeat, and in every dream the recurring feeling of utter desperation to regain the status quo. The biggest themes I see in this series being lack of control, unwanted change and desperation/failure.

Where To Purchase Dream Catchers

What say you gurus?? What does this all mean??